

EFF asks ICANN working group to make user privacy a central tenet of WHOIS system

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) reiterated this week to a working group at the ICANN that...

Council of Europe urges ICANN to take international and security rules seriously

The Council of Europe released a Declaration encouraging the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names...

“Case far from Closed” says BBC: Unsuccessful ICANN interview on .africa Cover up

In an interesting follow up response to last week’s BBC Click Program discussion on .Africa ...

DCA Trust’s Precedential Win over ICANN, .AFRICA the most important case of the gTLD Program

dubious After ICANN’s Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) issued “consensus advice” objecting to...

Greg Walden Led #SubCommTech Schedules Hearing to Exercise Oversight of Proposed IANA Transition

“Oversight and transparency are necessary parts of any proposed transition of IANA stewardship to...

IANA Transition postponed to June 30, 2016. Will it ever happen?

More than 1,400 members of the global Internet community have gathered this week, both in-person and...

House Approves Bill for Congress to Oversight IANA Transition

“The active oversight by Congress adds another guardrail to this process and it demonstrates that...

ICANN GAC new gTLD interference gets fresh Congressional attention

The ICANN’s Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) articulation and handling of several new top...

Greg Walden Led SubCommTech to Vote on DOTCOM Act, a Bipartisan Legislation to Protect the Future of the Internet

Walden, Pallone, Shimkus Comment on Bipartisan Breakthrough “There are no do-overs – the world...

ICANN Updates On New gTLD Applicant Portal Security Breach: 60 Searches, 200 Unauthorized Access Instances

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has provided an update on its...

Greg Walden led Committee to review DOTCOM Act and discuss Transition of Internet Oversight Functions

The Subcommittee on Communications and Technology, chaired by Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR), has scheduled...

CCWG-Accountability and CWG-Stewardship holds Face-to-Face Meetings in Istanbul

The CCWG-Accountability and the CWG-Stewardship holds a face-to-face meeting in Istanbul, Turkey the...